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Ordered Rebellion

1) If I did not post it, I did not endorse it. That doesn't mean I don't want people to join in on a discussion or share cool things they've found, just know that this is an open forum so I am not "policing the state". I do reserve the right to request something be taken down.

2) Open minds please. I am not here to judge anyone, I am not God, I do not have that right. I respectfully request that I never see words/phrases that negate or judge people. Ex: God Hates (Enter ethnic, racial, religious or life style group here). To me those words are in direct contrast to what Christianity is really about. John 3:16 starts with "God so loved the world", not "God hated everyone who wasn't exactly like him."

3) All are Welcome Here. I don't care what religion, race, age, planet, etc. you are or come from if you are here with an open mind, then welcome.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter as Metaphor Part 1

I'll start this off by saying that I in no way shape or form am trying to say what is in the Bible is not an actual account of the occurrences of the Easter story, but for a moment I want to take it from the literal to the metaphorical.  Let's start with the "symbols":  1)  Neglecting Duty  2)  The Betrayal   3)  The Son/Sun    4) The Denial  5)  Washing Hands  6) Death/Rebirth/Resurrection  7)  The Temple

1)  As I was reading the Gospels this Easter season I was struck by the moments leading to Christ's death.  The first event is the disciples falling asleep while Christ is praying in Gethsemane.  One simple request was made, stay awake and stay alert.  Christ walks away to pray, and what do they do?  They fall asleep.  Not once but (according to the gospel you read) at least twice.  How hard would it be for you to stay awake for one hour while your friend/teacher went to talk to his Father?  I know many times I've been so angry over this point, and wondered if they had just stayed awake would the soldiers and Judas have been able to overtake them so easily?  Granted prophecy would not have been fulfilled, but you wonder.  

Looking deeper, though, I read this part in terms of myself.  How many times have I "fallen asleep"?  I admit, I've let my own apathy get the better of me.  In an effort to win the battles against fear and oppressive energies I have set myself apart in ways from the world around me.  I've closed my eyes against the very things I should be keeping watch over.  The sufferings of others has been a very small concern for me as of late.  I have watched disasters with a sort of detached fascination.  That isn't saying that I haven't given money to things like Red Cross or other charities, but I'm doing so out of obligation instead of a real want to help.  The same use to be said for prayer.  I use to pray because I should and not because I really wanted to connect and communicate with God.

So in a sense have I not fallen asleep while on watch?  While Christ is "in the Garden" have I not drifted off while waiting for him to come back from speaking with the Father?   While the enemy is closing in (whatever form that might take, it could be either physically, spiritually or mentally) am I alert or will I be taken unawares as well because I let myself drift off instead staying vigilant?

What about you?  Where have you fallen asleep? 

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